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Dasht E Junoon Novel Summary
Many families live together as per traditional rivalries but do not know that it is not good for them. Under the joint family system, many societies are prone to fights and quarrels, which have very negative consequences. This novel hosts two separate families and at the same time exposes the reasons for hatred. This book will teach you how to live life in a modern way for today. Along with family hatred, this novel also discusses romance to make it more interesting.
We are sure that reading this novel not only makes you feel good but also helps you find better solutions to many issues. So far, many readers have expressed their opinions in the comment section about how they all benefited from this novel. Stay with us and start reading the novel after completing the article information. One day, the beautiful guest Tania has a very scary dream, which she compares to her family. The new generation suffers from many misunderstandings due to shared issues, but great parents stay informed.
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